Learn and understand CFD trading Sun, 26 May 2024 20:21:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 4 ways to learn trading Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:27:38 +0000 Table of contents Everyone who is interested in trading faces the same question. How do I start trading? How do I learn to trade? Answering this question is not easy, because the subject of trading is very complex and extensive. We would like to show you here how you can best learn to trade and what options and tools [...]

Der Beitrag 4 Wege um Trading zu lernen erschien zuerst auf

Bitcoin CFDs as an alternative to real bitcoins Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:14:15 +0000 Table of contents Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular. The opportunities to trade Bitcoin are also increasing. Two interesting ways to trade Bitcoin are Bitcoin CFDs and real Bitcoins. But what the differences are and which product is suitable for whom, we will answer in this article. What are Bitcoin CFDs? Bitcoin CFDs are contracts for difference whose underlying value is the [...]

Der Beitrag Bitcoin-CFDs als Alternative zu echten Bitcoins erschien zuerst auf

Bitcoin Shares - These Shares Profit from Cryptocurrencies Wed, 20 Jul 2022 15:18:55 +0000 Table of contents The crypto market has been an interesting investment alternative for private investors for many years. In mid-2021, there were more than 10,800 cryptocurrencies in existence worldwide with a market capitalization of over USD 1.40 trillion. Bitcoin and Ethereum are still among the most popular cryptocurrencies. The hype surrounding the digital currencies has spilled over in recent months [...]

Der Beitrag Bitcoin-Aktien – Diese Aktien profitieren von Kryptowährungen erschien zuerst auf

5 behaviors for successful trading Mon, 18 Jul 2022 20:58:52 +0000 Table of contents Trading on the stock market is not easy. There is a saying among traders: "If you end up with zero in your first year of trading, you're good!" Successful trading requires knowledge and experience. Over time, you acquire certain behaviors that make trading more successful. In this article [...]

Der Beitrag 5 Verhaltensweisen für ein erfolgreiches Trading erschien zuerst auf

Witches Sabbath stock market - the great expiration day Fri, 01 Jul 2022 09:44:05 +0000 Table of contents What is the witches' Sabbath on the stock market? The witches' Sabbath on the stock market is both notorious and feared. However, the Witches' Sabbath has nothing to do with black magic, but rather the stock market is acting crazy for other reasons. The Witches' Sabbath is synonymous with the big expiry day on the stock market. On this special day, [...]

Der Beitrag Hexensabbat Börse – der große Verfallstag erschien zuerst auf

VIX - Trade and understand CBOE Volatility Index Sat, 25 Jun 2022 23:33:03 +0000 What is the VIX? The CBOE Volatility Index (ticker symbol: VIX) is a measure of the expected volatility in the market. It is sometimes called the fear index because it rises when the market is in a panic. It measures the expected volatility of the S&P 500 for the coming days and is calculated using the prices of the put and [...]

Der Beitrag CBOE Volatility Index VIX handeln und verstehen erschien zuerst auf

Trading moat shares as CFDs Sun, 05 Dec 2021 14:14:23 +0000 Table of contents Burggraben shares are special shares in companies that have a stable and future-proof business model. The term was originally coined by Warren Buffet and is now popular with many investors for long-term investments. But trading in moat shares can also be interesting and complement your investment. What are moat shares? In the literal sense, a moat is a [...]

Der Beitrag Burggraben-Aktien als CFDs handeln erschien zuerst auf

Fear and Greed Index - Market Sentiment Indicator Wed, 01 Dec 2021 20:38:03 +0000 Fear and greed are emotions that affect every investor on the stock market. Keeping these two emotions under control when investing and trading on the stock market is both the most difficult and the most important thing. Only those who do not allow themselves to be led by them can be successful on the stock market in the long term. The market is constantly fluctuating from one [...]

Der Beitrag Fear and Greed Index – Indikator der Marktstimmung erschien zuerst auf

10 reasons for trading with shares Sat, 27 Nov 2021 17:49:49 +0000 Warum ist gerade das Trading mit Aktien so ein spannendes und lukratives Feld? Wir haben Ihnen im Folgenden daher einmal die 10 wichtigsten Gründe zusammengetragen, warum sich Aktien perfekt fürs Trading eignen und welche Chancen sowie Risiken das Aktien-Trading insgesamt aufweist.   Grund Nr. 1: Die große Aktienauswahl bietet viele Chancen Rund 43.000 Unternehmen sind […]

Der Beitrag 10 Gründe für das Trading mit Aktien erschien zuerst auf

Trading with the CFD broker eToro Sat, 27 Nov 2021 16:59:32 +0000 CFD trading with eToro - what options do I have? The online broker eToro is currently on everyone's lips and is currently the largest social trading provider in the world thanks to its 20 million users in over 140 countries. The platform serves two main purposes. Firstly, it serves professional traders as an adequate platform for CFD trading [...]

Der Beitrag Trading mit dem CFD-Broker eToro erschien zuerst auf
